Friday 10 January 2020

AIDS/HIV, top cities with the epidemic

The first recognized case of AIDS was in 1981, and treatment has been available since the initial reported case. However, 31 years later AIDS/ HIV have continued to increase by 15% according to CDC's new HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report. Since the first reported case of AIDS, more than 1.7 million people in the U.S. are estimated to have been infected with HIV. The epidemic has already taken the lives of over 600,000 people in the U.S., and approximately 1.2 million are living with AIDS today.

AIDS Causes

The top cities that have been hit with the highest rate of AIDS/HIV:

New York reported 223,508 known cases through 2009. One reason AIDS/HIV continue to be a medical epidemic is because a great majority of the people do not realize they have it and the disease goes undetected. Therefore, by the time major symptoms are identified it is too late for HIV treatment; meanwhile others do not recognize symptoms, thus are not tested for the disease.

California the second most populous city in the United States has the second highest reported cases of the AIDS/HIV epidemic. Nicknamed the City of Angels, it is the leading world center of business, international trade and now has the unfortunate ranking of second highest reported AIDS/HIV cases in the U.S. According to data gathered in California, as well as other metropolitan cities, AIDS/HIV is a gay man’s disease and there is a stigma attached.

Florida reportedly has 64,573 cases of AIDS/HIV and is considered the third highest-ranking state for the disease. According to the latest data, 85% of the AIDS/HIV cases were reported in major metropolitan areas where the population is greater than 500,000. The lack of care is being shifted in some of the high numbers in Florida, but that could be said for the other states as well.

The District of Columbia, Washington D.C. has an estimated 37,916 reported cases. Every city has areas where improvement is necessary and Washington D.C. is no different. One of the reasons noted as to why the numbers are extremely high is because of a lack of concern. The AIDS/HIV community in the city has stated that the politicians do not care because it does not directly affect them. Therefore, treatment services are minimal and education prevention is almost non-existent.

2012 AIDS Conference

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