Friday 10 January 2020

Life time exercise regime for better health

If you want to live a healthier, happier, carefree life you must choose an exercise program that you will be willing to do the rest of your life. Whether it be walking, jogging, tennis, aerobics, dancing, swimming, yoga or a combination of several together, you need to figure it out and start your exercise regime today. By starting today you will ensure a healthier tomorrow. Everyone no matter who you are, young or old, thin or obese, black or white, rich or poor needs to exercise daily for better overall health and happiness.

Walking for good health

Along with daily exercise to be healthier everyone needs to eat a healthy diet. Pre-packaged processed foods are not healthy foods. Truly healthy foods are foods that are alive and fresh, organic if possible and if you can’t buy fresh buy frozen before canned. Some fresh healthy foods are: apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, kale, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables that are not yet processed.

When you finally do decide to start exercising, make sure you have the correct shoes especially for walking, jogging, tennis and aerobics anything that requires shoes. You do not want to start off fresh and happy and end up with blistered feet by the end of your first day of exercising.

Start slow 10 to 20 minutes per workout and work your way up to 30 minutes to one hour per day. This can be broke up to two or even three or more mini-workouts. Such as 20 minutes when you wake up every morning, then 20 minutes at lunch time, then the final 20 minutes before bed. Working your way up to an hour a day is easy when you start slow and easy. Remember to always check with your personal health care provider before you start this or any new exercise.

Walking doesn’t cost you anything except for a little time out of your busy day. Taking a little time at least 30 minutes to an hour per day for your better health mentally and physically could very well prolong your life and make it much better.

Physical activity - it's important

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